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HomeTechnologyRevolutionize Health: How to Care for Angel Slow Juicer

Revolutionize Health: How to Care for Angel Slow Juicer

Investing in an Angel Juicer can revolutionise your health by easily incorporating fresh, nutrient-rich juices into your daily routine. However, proper care and maintenance are essential to ensure that your Angel Juicer continues to operate at its best. This blog post will explore 12 ways to keep your Angel Slow Juicer in top condition, from regular cleaning to monitoring motor health and more.

Regular Cleaning is Crucial

To ensure your Angel Juicer functions efficiently and lasts longer, committing to a consistent cleaning regimen is paramount. After every juicing session, it’s essential to dismantle the juicer for a thorough wash. All components should be washed in warm, soapy water to eradicate juice residue or pulp. Special attention is required for the screens and filters as these parts are particularly prone to pulp accumulation, which can impede the juicer’s performance if left unattended.

It’s also advisable to gently clean these parts with a soft brush or cloth, ensuring that all remnants of fruits and vegetables are removed. This maintains the juicer’s efficiency and upholds the quality and purity of the juice produced. Adhering to this practice of diligent cleaning will not only prolong the lifespan of your Angel Juicer but also enhance your juicing experience by preventing flavours from previous sessions from affecting the taste of new juices.

Deep Cleaning Schedule

Beyond the daily cleanse, your Angel Juicer benefits immensely from a more thorough, dedicated cleaning process periodically. This should be instituted at least once monthly and is vital for reaching spots that routine cleaning might miss. During this deep clean, disassemble the juicer fully to access all nooks and crannies, particularly focusing on areas prone to residue build-up. Employ a specialised brush or a small toothbrush for this task, ensuring you meticulously scrub each component. It includes paying extra attention to the twin gears and the mesh screens, which are critical for the juicer’s optimal performance.

Soaking parts in a hot water solution and a mild detergent can help loosen any stubborn pulp or residue before scrubbing. Rinse all parts thoroughly with warm water after cleaning to remove any soap residue. This deep cleaning routine extends the longevity of your Angel Juicer. It guarantees that each batch of juice remains as fresh and pure as possible, free from any lingering particles or flavours from previous uses.

Keeping the Twin Gears of Angel Juicers Pristine

The twin gears are the linchpin in your Angel Juicer’s ability to press out every drop of nutritious juice from your fruits and vegetables. These gears work harmoniously to crush and squeeze produce, but the accumulated residue can compromise efficiency. It’s imperative to cleanse these gears meticulously after each juicing endeavour. Employ a dedicated brush to dislodge and remove any lingering pulp or fibres, paying close attention to the crevices where particles can hide.

Occasionally, it may be beneficial to soak the gears in warm water and a gentle detergent to soften any stubborn residues before brushing. This ensures that the gears remain in optimal condition, preventing unnecessary strain on the juicer’s motor and maintaining the highest quality of juice extraction. Keeping the gears in pristine condition not only safeguards the longevity of your juicer but also ensures that every juicing session is as efficient as the first. Regular attention to the twin gears is a small yet crucial step in the maintenance routine of your Angel Juicer.

Inspecting Silicone Seals and Gaskets

Silicone seals and gaskets are essential for maintaining the integrity of your Angel Juicer, ensuring it remains leak-proof and functions seamlessly. With continuous use, these components may degrade or sustain damage, leading to potential leaks or decreased juicer efficiency. It is advisable to conduct a routine examination of these parts for any indications of wear, tear, or deterioration. Signs to look out for include cracks, brittleness, or any significant deformation that could compromise the juicer’s performance.

Should you identify any such issues, procuring and fitting replacement parts promptly is crucial to maintaining the operational standards of your device. It is also beneficial to consult the user manual or manufacturer’s recommendations for guidance on the frequency of these inspections and tips on identifying wear. This proactive approach towards maintaining the silicone seals and gaskets not only helps prevent operational hiccups but also contributes significantly to the longevity and reliability of your Angel Juicer.

Lubricating Moving Parts of Angel Twin Gear Juicer

Ensuring the smooth operation of the moving parts within your Angel Twin Gear Juicer is paramount to its longevity and efficiency. Regular application of a food-grade lubricant to these components is essential. This practice facilitates frictionless movement, preventing wear and tear that could ultimately compromise the functionality of your juicer. Focus on areas where metal meets metal, such as the junctions between the gears.

A light lubricant application will suffice; over-application could lead to buildup that attracts debris. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the type and frequency of lubricant application. This procedure, whilst seemingly minor, plays a significant role in maintaining the operational smoothness of your juicer, ensuring that each juicing session is as effective and efficient as the first. Remember, the goal is to maintain those gears turning without resistance, safeguarding the machine’s internal mechanics for the long haul.

Monitoring Motor Health

The motor is the engine behind your Angel Juicer’s seamless operation; thus, its condition should always be noticed. Vigilance for any signs of abnormal behaviour is key. This includes listening for unusual sounds that deviate from the normal operational hum, such as grinding or whirring noises, which could indicate internal issues. Similarly, an increase in the motor’s temperature beyond the usual warmth could signal overheating – a problem that requires immediate attention.

Performance dips, where the juicer appears to struggle with tasks it previously handled with ease, also warrant a closer examination. You must halt usage and seek professional advice if you encounter any of these symptoms. Regular monitoring of the motor not only aids in catching potential problems early but also plays a significant role in preserving the overall health of your Angel Juicer, ensuring its continued contribution to your wellness regime without interruption.

Managing the Pulp Ejection System

The efficient operation of your Angel Juicer is heavily reliant on the seamless functioning of the pulp ejection system. This component is fundamental in separating the juice from the pulp, ensuring your juicing process is smooth and uninterrupted. To maintain this, inspecting the pulp outlet after every use is essential. Any remnants of pulp or debris that may have lodged in the system should be removed immediately.

A regular check not only prevents blockages but also contributes to the overall efficiency of your juicer. A small brush or a similar tool can be particularly effective in dislodging stuck pulp, ensuring that the ejection path is clear for future juicing sessions. This routine care is a straightforward yet crucial aspect of maintaining the pristine condition and functionality of your Angel Juicer, allowing it to deliver the highest quality juice extraction with minimal waste.

Adjusting Pressure Settings

Fine-tuning the pressure settings on your Angel Juicer is crucial for maximising the yield and quality of your juices, especially when dealing with various produce. Each type of fruit and vegetable has its characteristics and requires a different amount of pressure to extract juice efficiently. Consulting the user manual is necessary to understand how to adjust these settings for different items appropriately. A lower pressure setting might suffice for leafy greens, whereas harder vegetables like carrots may require a higher setting.

Such an attention to detail can enhance the efficiency of your juicing process, ensuring that you get the most out of your produce without overburdening the machine. Remember, the correct pressure setting not only optimises juice extraction but also plays a role in preserving the longevity of your juicer’s components. Making these adjustments as needed, based on the produce you’re juicing, is a simple yet effective step in maintaining your Angel Juicer’s peak performance.

Storing Your Juicer Properly

Ensuring your Angel Juicer is stored appropriately after every use is integral to its durability and efficiency. Once all components are meticulously cleaned and dried—as outlined in our cleaning sections—it’s vital to reassemble the juicer before storing it. This keeps the parts secure and prevents the loss or misplacement of any small components. Choosing an environment for storage is just as critical; a cupboard or shelf away from moisture and not subject to temperature variations is ideal.

Extreme conditions can lead to material degradation, particularly for the silicone seals and gaskets. Additionally, ensuring the space is clean and dust-free will prevent contamination that could affect the juicer’s performance over time. Adhering to these storage guidelines safeguards your juicer from environmental factors that could compromise its functionality, ensuring it remains ready for your next juicing session.

Replacing Worn-out Parts Timely

Timely replacement of worn-out or damaged components is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and performance of your Angel Juicer. Through regular use, it’s inevitable that certain parts, such as the silicone seals, gaskets, or even the twin gears, might show signs of wear or sustain damage. Recognising the early signs of wear and acting promptly can prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems that could impair your juicer’s functionality.

Keeping a spare set of the most commonly replaced parts on hand is recommended, ensuring minimal downtime in your juicing routine. Procuring genuine replacement parts directly from the manufacturer or authorised dealers is advised to guarantee compatibility and to uphold the quality of your juicing experience. This proactive approach ensures the smooth operation of your juicer and extends its lifespan, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of fresh, nutritious juices without interruption.

angel juicer angelia 5500Avoiding Hard-to-Juice Ingredients in the Angel Juicer

Whilst the Angel Juicer is a powerhouse for extracting juice from a wide range of fruits and vegetables, it’s crucial to recognise its limitations to maintain its condition. Juicing excessively hard or fibrous ingredients can put undue strain on the machine, potentially leading to damage over time. Such items include dense seeds, hard nuts, and frozen fruits without prior thawing. These can challenge the juicer’s mechanics, notably the twin gears and motor, possibly leading to premature wear or malfunctioning.

Adapting your juicing practices to favour ingredients within the machine’s capabilities is beneficial. For those harder-to-process items, considering alternative methods of inclusion in your diet, such as blending or manual processing, can be wise. This approach not only ensures the longevity of your Angel Juicer but also helps maintain optimal performance, allowing you to enjoy a wide array of juices without compromising your machine’s integrity.

Staying Updated with Manufacturer’s Guidelines

To ensure your Angel Juicer remains in peak condition, consulting the manufacturer’s guidelines is an indispensable step. The user manual is a treasure trove of valuable information tailored specifically to your model, offering insights into best practices for care and maintenance. It is crucial to periodically review these guidelines, as manufacturers may update maintenance advice or release new recommendations that could further enhance your juicer’s performance and longevity.

Additionally, keeping abreast of any updates lets you know about the latest accessories or replacement parts that can complement your juicer. This proactive engagement with the manufacturer’s advice helps fine-tune your maintenance routine and ensures that your juicing experience continues to be both efficient and rewarding. Thus, make it a habit to consult and align with the guidelines, for it significantly contributes to the sustained health of your Angel Juicer.


1. How often should I clean my Angel Twin Gear Juicer?

It’s recommended to clean your Angel Twin Gear Juicer after every use to prevent residue build-up, ensuring optimal performance. A deep clean should be conducted monthly for thorough maintenance.

2. Can I use any detergent to clean my juicer?

Opt for mild, non-abrasive detergents to avoid damaging the juicer’s components. Always rinse thoroughly to ensure no soap residue remains.

3. What should I do if my juicer starts making unusual noises?

Unusual noises could indicate a potential issue with the motor or internal components. Cease using the juicer and consult a professional or refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for advice.

4. How can I tell if the silicone seals need replacing?

Look for signs of wear, such as cracks, brittleness, or deformation. Regular checks will help you identify when replacements are necessary to maintain the juicer’s efficiency.

5. Is it alright to juice frozen fruits or very hard vegetables?

It’s advisable to thaw frozen fruits and cut hard vegetables into smaller pieces before juicing. This reduces strain on the machine, preserving its longevity and ensuring consistent performance.


In conclusion, maintaining your Angel Slow Juicer is pivotal to ensuring its longevity and performance. By adhering to the outlined steps, from regular and deep cleaning to the careful handling and adjustment of its components, you can significantly enhance your juicing experience. It’s about embracing a proactive approach to care, recognising the importance of each part of the process, and valuing the health benefits your juicer brings into your life. Remember, a well-maintained juicer is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, enabling you to enjoy fresh, nutrient-rich juices for years.

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Robert Mason
Robert Mason
Robert Mason is an online business owner based in Australia who has been involved in the industry since early 2001. Despite spending countless hours each month running his business, Michael still manages to find time for various hobbies and interests. He has a strong background in digital marketing and e-commerce, and is passionate about helping other entrepreneurs succeed in the online space. When he's not working, Michael enjoys playing sports, traveling, and spending time with his family.